Friday, September 27, 2013

The Detective, the Scientist and the Pheasant

So.....the firsties were detectives and scientists on this gloomy Friday!
Detectives you say??????  Why yes, dear Watson!  Our first "Mystery Reader" was on the scene today!  Who was it?????
Their clues:
-I have lived in Cottonwood for 5 years.
-I like the color blue.
-You see almost everyday.
-I like football.  Go Steelers!
-I wear glasses or contacts.

Sci Fri...Apples!
Don't we all HATE it when we cut an apple and five seconds later it has turned brown?  The firsties put on their lab coats and goggles and went to work!  They tested ways to make their apple's flesh stay whiter longer.  Conclusions?????  Ask a firstie!

Question?  What can you put on an apple slice to keep it from turning brown?

 Apples were tested in water, lemon juice and Dr. Pepper.  (One slice was also tested by air only.)

Firstie Funny...
The student who had sharing bag today gave her clues.  The firsties used those clues to guess what was in the bag.  A little girl guessed: TURKEY!!!!  The little girl who had the sharing bag says, "Yes!  It is a turkey!   Otherwise known as a PHEASANT!!!!!!"  (I giggled out loud....couldn't help it.  Too. Cute!)

                                                       Said turkey/pheasant!

Another terrific week in the Nation!  We hope yours was as FABULOUS!  Stay happy Firstie Nation!

President Varpness and the Senate of First!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Apple Sci Fri


Our Sci Fri experiment questions were...

How many bears does your apple weigh?  (Balance the scales using bears and your apple.)

How many cubes long is your string?  (Measure around your apple with a string.)

Does my apple float?  (Put your apple in the bucket of water.)

Each scientist asked questions and made their hypothesis for each experiment.

Ask your firstie scientist what they observed and recorded.








Thursday, September 19, 2013

Empire of First

I am finally posting some pictures of our firstie empire!  Some families wanted to be able to show their extended family, where the firsties spend their time gettin' zebra with it!  ENJOY!








Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An Apple a Day....

"An apple a AWESOME if you have CARAMEL SAUCE!"....says the Fab Firsties!

This week we are exploring the apple.  What APPLES are. have and can.
Please send an apple to school for your firstie by Friday Sept. 20.

We taste tested three types of apples on Tuesday.   We then graphed our results.  The class prediction was...that yellow apples would be the fav!

The results......
Have a great day Firstie Nation!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Varpness and the Fabulous!
Stick around.....for more apple fun!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Babies and Bus Safety

Yep!  We are all riding the bus, and I'm driving.....LOOK OUT!
Too. Stinkin'. Cute!
Lakeview Buses....Can, Are, Have
We discussed bus saftey this week.  Please remind your firstie the importance of bus safety and good choices on the school make your dear teacher happy!
Have a safe and fun weekend Firstie Nation!
Mrs. Varpness and The Fabulous!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Winks and Wands...


I would like to give a shout out to the most creative group of firstie students and their parental units!  Wow!  Our Alice the Fairy wand and spell/chant assignment was off the hook!  We are reviewing words that rhyme and why they do. 

The Mission:  Students listened to the story "Alice the Fairy" by David Shannon.
-Alice is a temporary fairy, working on her "mad" fairy skills.  (Creating rhyming spells.)
The Assignment:  Students were asked to bring a wand they had/created at home, along with the spell they created with their family.  Students then will see if their rhyming spell/chant will lift their class puppy to the ceiling.  (In the story Alice tries to cast a rhyming spell to lift her dog to the ceiling.)  How magical do you think your firstie is?  (THINK BIG!!!!)

They were so. stinkin'. cute!


Purple and blue, to the ceiling with you!  (Kenadi)

 "Oh me, oh my, please dog float up high!  (Colton)

 The dog drank pop.
He did not stop.
He floated to the top.  (Carson)
-I will post more picts later....
Firstie Funny of the Day.....
If you ever want to see the cutest thing ever.....ask a firstie to wink. 

 Have a terrific night Firstie Nation!

Mrs. Varpness and the Fab Firsties

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sci Fi Friday

Whoa....this week flew by!  Wowzers!  Friday is here and so is the heat!  BONUS!  The people of Firstie Nation love these days!  Part of the reason for their love of Fridays is......SCI FI Friday!   ??????  Are you curious?  A wise person would be with this lot.

Friday is our day to be scientists!
Heres the 411...

We have discussed what a scientist is and what they do.  We asked questions, made hypothesis', came up with conclusions and recorded results!  So. Much. Fun!
You could hear ooh's and awes all over! 

Milk Experiment



Grab the materials and your firstie and get scientific!

If you would like to duplicate this science experiment you will need:

Whole Milk
food coloring
Dawn dish soap
and Q-tips

First pour the milk into bowls and place the food coloring near the center of the bowl. (Kind of in the shape of a cross)
Then, dip your q tip into the center of the bowl and watch what happens!!

My students LOVED this!!
Have a terrific weekend Firstie Nation!
Mrs. Varpness and the Fabulous!
It's kind of fun to do the impossible.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sillies and Sticky Notes!

Happy Thursday Firstie Nation!  I hope as you sit back and reflect on your day, you remember how lucky we are to be amongst the most amazing and happy little children in the history of children!  (I'm not ust saying that because I also have a first grader!)

Firstie Funny of the Day....

Yes!  Here is an educated person standing for the world to see...(o.k. 16 first graders and Mrs. Rosa to see.) with sticky notes stuck all over herself.  Well...first of all, my kiddos did this!  I promise!  We are learning about adding to our Writer's Workshop stories and pictures.  Today's lesson reminder.....LABELS!  Hence all the sticky notes.  I am into fashion, but I'm not sure this is going to catch on!  Well...maybe....

I believe in red. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.  (Which should be done frequently!)  I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.  I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
Audrey Hepburn
1929-1993, Actress and Humanitarian
" So do I "

Have a wonderful sleep Nation of First! Tomorrow will be EXTRAORDINARY!

~High Five, Hug or Handshake~
Mrs. Varpness and the Fab 16

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Scissors, Crayons and Glue...Who Knew?

For anyone who knows a first know that they are the most creative student of all!  From the pictures they the stories they tell...  (Remember I will believe half of they say about you...if you believe half of what they say about me.  ;)

Anyway are some beauties taken from the Hall of Firsts!  Much knowlege is gleaned in these halls.  (Fancy words...I know.) 

Advice from the Fabulous Firsties to young David about following rules at Lakeview.

In Firstie Color!
My Firsties'...Firsties....(get it?  Their first names!  Ha!)

Our Firstie Color People...too. cute. for. words.

We had a super fantastic day in room in the land of First!  We want to send you a five finger WOOOO!  (Wave of our fingers!). We love you that much!

Have a fabulous night!  Enjoy your Firstie!

Mrs. Varpness and the Fabulous!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Books and Giggles

Firstie Fans...
Oh. My. Word!  My precious little firsties came back to  me today with so many hugs and kind words...I think they must all be little angels sent from above!!!!

Here is my firstie funny for today....
I was reading a story by Kevin Henkes, called "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse."  There is a part in the story that talks about Lilly's fancy diva glasses.  A little hand pops up and says..."What is a diva?"  (Me)  Mmmmmm, a lady who dresses fancy.  (Not sure how to exactly explain that to 6 and 7 year olds. sigh.)  (Same student) "Mrs. Varpness, are you a diva?  (Me)  I didn't even get to answer, as 9 little girl heads are bobbing up and down, saying things about red shoes, fingernails and dresses.   Wow!  I think I need to call my P.R. people about my image.  :) 


Well, we are into day 11 and I am as happy as can be!  My home family and school family are per.fect!

Mrs. Varpness and her Sweets!