Friday, November 22, 2013

Sci Fri and Preemie Too!

Happy Friday Firstie Nation!!!!
Sci Fri!!!
Whoop!  Whoop!  It's that time again folks!  Sci Fri!!!  This week the scientist went water wild! 
Question:  What will happen to the bag of water, when you push a pencil through the plastic sides?
Hypothesis:  "It will pop!"
"The pencil will get wet."
"It will spill."
"It will leck."  (leak)
"It's gunu usplod."
"When the pensle pock in to the bag it will not leck."


I am MAGIC!!!!

Have a terrific weekend in the Nation!!!!
Zebra and high Heels to you all!
~President Varpness and The Senate

Preemie Boutique Service Project Avera

What a wonderful experience!  Thank you great people of Firstie Nation!  Your support means EVERYTHING to this project!  Without our Nation.....sigh.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The FAB U's

Hey the firstie fans!  Hot on the charts, is the FAB U's first hit single...  "Laughter is Contagious!"

(As a part of our 5 Sense unit, students were asked to bring in "sound" machines.)  The musicians then "played" their music like no other before them!!!  Check it out!!!  I wish I could show you pictures, but I have to protect my babies.  Listen carefully...

Dare you to not smile....


Do not be surprised if FAB U gets recognized!  You saw it here first folks!!!

Zero the Hero in the Empire!

Hey there Firstie Nation!!!  Greetings from the Capital!!!!  The Senate has been pretty busy this week.  The have been using their 5 senses, leaning about comparing and contrasting and Zero the Hero even stopped by for a visit on the 60th day of school!  (seriously????)

Meet Zero the Hero!  He stops by room 106, on days that have a zero in them.  Today was the 60th day.  He brings a treat and activity for the firsties each time he visits.

Students counted 6 groups of ten!  Don't worry folks....they only got to eat 30 pieces of yummy chocolate cereal!!!!  Way to early in the morning to sugar them up.....

Have a great day good people of Firstie Nation!!!
President Varpness and the Senate of First





Monday, November 11, 2013

Mystery Reader in the House!!!

The Mystery Reader strolled into room 106 at approximately 1:00 on Friday.  Here were the clues..

1.  I am a mom of a boy in this class.
2.  I like to golf.
3.  I have green eyes.
4.  I meet and greet you everyday.
5.  I have brown hair.


  If you guessed the super sweet Mrs. Arends...then you are RIGHT!!

Stay FABULOUS Firstie Nation!!!
Mrs. Varpness and the Fabs!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Favorite Things.....

Five For Friday Firstie Nation

I have put this out there to my loyal subjects in the Nation...

If you haven't stumbled upon these wicked wonderful do. not. know. what. your. missing.

1.  My lifeblood!!!!  How do you dew?  If most bodies are made up of 90% water...mine is this sweet nectar.

2.  My new kicks!!!!  ADIDAS!!! LOVE!!!  (My heels are still no # UNO!!!)

3.  My other love....COFFEE TO GO!!!  Bring on the Hazelnut!!!  Whoot!  Whoot!
( cute is my muggo?  Have 2!!!!  Keeps it SUPA HOT!!!!  Bubba brand.)

4.   Write much?  I am infactuated with pretty pens!!!! 

5.  These cereal bars were made by the yummy good specialists.  (Seriously de.lish.  Healthy too!!!)

6.  PANDORA!!!!  Country music makes me oh so happy!  Give me some Blake, Luke and Jason any day!!
Hope you enjoy my shout outs to my favorites!!!  You may even want to try a few!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mr. Basketball in the Nation!!!!!

Hey there Firstie Fanatics!!!    I bet you didn't know we are amongst the FABULOUS and FAMOUS!!!  As I look around room 106 I see the shining faces of our futures.  The singer, the artist, the dancer, the agricultural specialist, the teacher, the basketball stand out!  All of those faces eager to "show us" what they got!!!  Thank you parents for encouraging your firsties' dreams!!!!  They WILL knock all of our fancy high heels right off!!!!  I. Know. It!!!

Here is one of the 5...yes 5 participants of the summer basketball challenge!  This basketball guru brought his mad bball skills to the court!!!  He shot 2,100 shots this summer!!!!!  UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!  Go Carson!!!!!  Mr. Basketball himself is in the Nation!!!!

He kept track of all of his shots on a record sheet.  (by himself!!!)  After turning his sheet in, he was rewarded with a super, fabulous, cool, awesome basketball shooting shirt!!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Case of the Candy Corn Bandit!!!

Where is our Candy Corn?
This little rascal snuck in room 106 and hijacked the candy corn!!!!  Little weasle!!!  In its place he left a clue about where they could PREDICT where their precious candy corn was.  It was a hoot!!!  Ask your firstie about what they did in the capital that day.

So cute!

Have a good night Firstie Nation!
Dollies and Legos to all!
President Varpness and the Senate of First!