Friday, December 13, 2013

Catch Me if You Can!!

Firstie Nation was all a twitter today!  When the firsties came back from their specials today, they found a package on the table from the Gingerbread Man.

Firstie Friends...
I have left my friends for you to snack,
But I'll bet you'll never get me back!
Look for me where there are lots of books!

The crazy clues led us back to the Gingerbread Man.
Ask your favorite firstie senate member to let you in on the low down.

 Inside the package, was a bag of delicious Gingerbread cookies.  Yummmo!!!
Each firstie took a bite of their cookie.  They needed to decide whether to bite the head, arm or foot first.

The results.
We have a group of head biters.

Mystery Reader Rosa
1.  I live in Cottonwood.
2.  I have 3 children.
3.  I have on granddaughter.
4.  I love gardening and auctions. 
5.  I love coming to school.

Penny War Winners!!!!!  WHOOT!!!  WHOOT!!!!  The firsties were rewarded with a popcorn and movie party today!!!  They won the war!!!!!!  First grade as entire grade level raised $125 dollars!!!!!
Lakeview school raised $771.58!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well firstie fanatics...Christmas is almost here.  Have you hugged your firstie today?

Have a great weekend!
Dress warm and pretty!!!  (You too fellas!!!)

President Varpness and the Senate of First

Friday, December 6, 2013

All but the kitchen sink.....

Well Good People of the Firstie Nation are you in for a treat....because your fearless leader has fallen behind in her blogging duties you are getting a bunch of catch up pictures and updates.  This wintry weather has frozen my brain.  DON'T JUDGE ME!!!  (Please?)

Our scenery changed this Wednesday.  Nothing better for a firstie than fresh white snow to play in with friends.  This is my crazy kiddo showing her stuff.

 A little Christmas Art fun!  We have missed Art class 2 weeks in a row.  This didn't sit well with the senate, so we had to a little art to please the crowd!!!

 Sci Fri....
What do you know about optical illusions?  Ask your firstie about what they learned about their brains and eyes.  Did you know your eyes could be tricksters?

 I know, it's not exactly an experiment, but illusions are still cool.
Illusions are images that use your EYES to confuse your BRAIN

I am sure you the black and white.  Grey?

Look at the dot.  Do you see gears moving?

For more optical illusions...
(These pictures are from this site, not mine.)

Mystery Reader
1.  I live in Cottonwood.
2.  I have 2 daughters who go to Lakeview.
3.  I have a dog.
4.  I am 30?

wait for it...

Mrs. Grunwald!  Myha's mom!!!!

Have a great weekend in the Nation.  The Empire continues to be a place of knowledge.  Come on in...we promise a good time!!!!

Rest well this weekend.
Bundle up...I even have stylish winter gear...I suggest you get yourself some.  Ladies that's your o.k.!!!

~Warm Regards~
President Varpness and the Senate of First