I am so sorry Firstie Nation, that I have been off the grid as of late. It has been crazy busy with the holidays and then that wonderful cold winter weather that had to bless us with it's presence! (not really...I disliked it very much!) If I had real president powers, I would have shut that down immediately!!!
A few things...
Mystery Reader...
1. I have 2 boys and 1 girl.
2. 2 of my children go to Lakeview.
3. I LOVE animals!
4. I see you everyday!!!
Got a guess?
Pete the Cat
Calling all Pete the Cat enthusiasts! Pete the Cat reading night...January 13th! 6:30-7:30! Come one...come all!!!! We have 12 out of 16 students signed up!!! That's what I'm talkin' about!!!
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons is all the RAGE in the Nation this year!!!
100th Day Approaches...
Holy cat's pajamas! I cannot believe that we just celebrated the 90th day of school Friday! We are gearing up to celebrate the 100th day of school on or around Monday, January 27th! (no snow days..no snow days!)
- The senate members should be working on their 100 item collections. (These can be brought in whenever they are ready.) The 100th day is 100 kinds of fun! We will be counting to 100 like no other!
- We are still collecting food items for our 100 snack. We are still in need of...
chex cereal or mix
President Varpness' Picks
I just have to share some of my favorite out and abouts around the empire! If you haven't been to these places or tried these things...by royal decree...DO IT!!!!

Chicken Burrito Bowl (Too. Die. For!)

In the Marshall Mall. (If you like some of my outfits...)

Run outside, Minnesota style!!! (Don't knock it, til you've tried it!)
Turn on your radio and you will be insta HAPPY! (enough said!)
Have a FABULOUS week in the Nation!!!! Cross your fingers that the ishy weather stays in the clouds!!!!
Hugs, Handshakes and High Fives!
President Varpness and the Senate!