Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Fact, Opinion, Science...Jack!

We are just starting our unit on non fiction.
(The Inspired Apple)

 We are learning what an opinion is.  We are also learning how to write opinion pieces.
(An Apple a Day in First Grade)

Mrs. Varpness' top 3 books ever!
The New Baby and The Monster at the End of this Book
have been my favorites since childhood.

Red is Best...RIGHT.NOW!

Science Experiment
Question:  What happens when you place a raw egg in water and a raw egg in vinegar.
Hypothesis:  The egg in water will change color.
I think the color will come off.
Won't do anything.
Crack and break.
Hypothesis: The egg in vinegar will crack.
It will crack and leak.
It will change color.
The color will come off.
It will smell like vinegar and sink.

Results:  The egg in water...
The egg in vinegar...
You need to check in with a Firstie!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cooking Club Comes to the Nation!

This week we mixed it up a bit with our science experiments.  Today we brought cooking into room 106!
Ingredients: marshmallows, butter, rice crispies
Question:  What should we do with these ingredients?
How do we get the ingredients to stay together?
Hypothesis: Rice Crispy Bars
squish them together

Chef Herigon setting the backdrop for today's "science/cooking" experiment.
 After heating the ingredients.


 We need to use muscles, as the batter is setting.


Special thanks to the celebrity chef: Mrs. "Rons" Herigon!  You are FABULOUS!

Have a terrific weekend in the Nation!
President Varpness and the Senate

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Happy!  One word. 
  1. 1.
    My firsties are PROS at making me this word! 
Want to see some happy kiddos?  Stop by room 106!  We have the cream of the crop of happy kiddos in here!
In the morning we dance to this song.  Listen...I dare you to try and not be. H.A.P.P.Y.

    Monday, March 17, 2014

    LEapn' LeprEchauns!

    "Stay away from me treasure!"
    Those little magical creatures were on the loose in room 106!  Gold coins were found in messy desks, a rainbow treasure hunt was pursued...iy,yi, yi!!

     Rainbow Math
     Grouping and adding Skittles.

     Graphing Skittles
     Measuring Skittles (height and width)

    Skittle patterning

    Friday, March 7, 2014

    A Cold Mess!!!!

    Hey there good people of the Nation of First!  We are in our science groove this week!  This ole gal actually rocked out two (count em 2!) science experiments this week!  STOP.THE.WORLD!

    In honor of Dr. Suess, we read the story "Bartholomew and the Oobleck."
    After we ran an experiment to make Oobleck. 
    Solid or Gas?
    Question:  What will happen when we mix corn starch and water?
    It will sink to the budum. (Bottom)  Carson
    It will trn green.  Jared
    I think it will icsplowd.  Colton
    I wundre if it is gogwe (going) to turn more wite.  Makenzie
    It will flowt.  Aleeya
    I fink it will tern widish.  (turn whitish) Tyden
    It will trn guwey. Jocelynn
    I will get powdry.  Lane
    Plow up.  Ericka
    I think it is going to buble.  Cadence
    Conclusion:  You know the drill!

    Have I ever told you I LOVE FIRST GRADE?  
    I can make a mess and they love it!!!!  Now it drives my husband and Mrs. Magnuson batty and I am pretty sure Mrs. Rosa and Mrs. Herigon want to put me on an ice floe and send me off to sea, Firsties love it and so does the teaching trifecta...even if they won't admit it!
    Have a FABULOUS weekend Firstie Nation!
    President Varpness and the Senate of First

    Thursday, March 6, 2014

    Pepper and Cinnamon!!!! Yummo!!!

    Pepper and cinnamon is all that is left in our snack shelf, so that's what the Firsties had for snack today! 

    Just kidding!!!!!

    We conducted a Pepper Scatter Experiment today.  I know it's not Friday, but we really wanted to do an experiment!

    Question: What will happen when pepper (cinnamon) is added to the water?
    Hypothesis:  I thick it will sit.  (I think it will sink.) (Myha)
                         I think...that there will be little dots.  (Lane)
                         I thik the pepr will flot.  (Jared)
                         I think it will smell fune.  (Colton)
    Test:  Shake some pepper (cinnamon) into a bowl 1/2 with water. 
    Add a drop of dish soap.
    Conclusion:  Uh, uh....ask a Senate member!

    WE L-O-V-E SCIENCE!!!!

    Have a FABULOUS night Firstie Nation!

    Tuesday, March 4, 2014

    Read About Me Posters

    In honor of Read Across America Day...parents of Firstie Nation Firsties were asked to make posters that their firstie could read.  These posters were to be made with words and phrases that described their firstie.  These were AB.SOLUT.LY. A.DOR.ABLE!!!

    The Firsties loved reading their posters!  As you can see each poster was made so differently.  I really enjoyed this project!  This was the first time we have done it!  It turned out so well.  I had many parents ask, "Why didn't you send a bigger piece of paper?"  Next year!

    Love you so much Firstie Nation kids and parents!!!

    Have a FABULOUS day!
    President Varpness and the Senate!

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Read Across Room 106 Day!!!!!

    Today we celebrated Dr. Suess' birthday.  It was a super fun.crazy.wild. day!!  Just what I like!!!!  (That is the 6 year old in me!!!!) 

    The Firstie Nation was dressed to the nines in their jammies. 
    They had their arms full of Dr. Suess books and their favs. 
    A favorite snack and a juice followed them in also! 
    Many different readers came in to the classroom to read their favorite stories!
    At the end of our day, parents came into the room to read with their well as present them with a poster to "read" that was made with their family's l-o-v-e!

    Mr. Lienemann
    Mr. Fenske 

    Mrs.  Lee

      We read many Dr. Suess books....including The Lorax,
    Here is what the outside of Firstie Nation looks like right now.

    We read many Dr. Suess books....including The Lorax.
    We even made some Truffula Trees!  Yummy!

    Super Reader Squad!

    Attention All Super Readers!!!!

    You are invited to the 2nd Annual meeting of the Super Reader Reading Squad!
    Your Mission: To read 40 books in the month of February

    When the Firsties read 40 books, they became apart of the Super Reader Reading Squad.  They were then outfitted with a crown and a medal. 

    The squad meeting was held in Ms. Einerston's classroom.
    Each Super Reader earned a Pizza Ranch kid's buffet.

    We had a firstie in room 106 who read over 150 books!!!!!  WOWZER!

    There were 12 Super Readers from the Nation.
    There were 9 Super Readers from Mrs. Magnuson's class.
    There were  7 Super Readers from Ms. Einertson's class.