Monday, March 9, 2015

Who's That Masked Wolf?

Firstie Nation followers, the weather is changing!  Yea!  So glad that the wind seems to be pushing spring in..not SNOW! that a wishful fairy tale?  A Cinderella story?
Speaking of fairy tales...the senate members have been learning about elements of Fairy Tales.  They have learned all about most fairly tales have the opening of "Once Upon a Time", magic or enchantment, a good character, a wicked character, and a "happily ever after."  With all our fun in fairy tales, we decided it would be fun to run a little experiment "The Three Little Pigs" style.
The senate members...

  • built a house of straw (cotton balls)
  • built a house of sticks (marshmallows)
  • built a house of bricks (Legos)
The Wolves (senate members)...
  • huffed and puffed and tried to blow each of the houses down.

Want to know what happened?  Ask a senate member for that answer!

The Nation kiddos LOVED this experiment!  I think they loved coloring the mask most of all.  They had a blast blowing things over with their wolf breath!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Read Across America Day

Hey Firstie Nation!  Today was a great day in the capital!  The annual Read Across America Day!
Some of the Reading All-Stars came in to read to the senate members.
 Mrs. Lee read the story "Dog Breathe"
 Mr. Fenske read one of our all time favorites, "Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes"
Mr. Lienemann read "Olivia."
He also mentioned this story reminded him of a first grader, because they never get tired out!
Our favorite high school helper Jacob!
Jacob read "Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons"
 My favorite second grader!
"My Lucky Day" her favorite book!
 A couple of super cute 10th graders, with great smiles!
"There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Chick"
My favorite seventh grader!
"Fluffy and Baron"

My favorite part about Read Across America Day is the posters I asked the Firstie Nation parents to make for their senate member.  I asked them to design a poster for their child to "READ" on our special day.  I asked them to fill up the page and make it fit their firstie...and boy did they!


My girl!
Do ya dig our shirts?  We bought these 52 years ago and they still make us look really good!

We had a great day...per usual!

Stay warm and get ready for the storm?

President Varpness and the Senate

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Beach Party 2015!

Whoot!  Whoot!  Beach Party 2015!  Holla!
The Nation got beachy with it on Friday, February 25th!  Each day the senate gets $3.00 for their good behavior!  They get to keep their hard earned cash if they follow the rules of the nation.
Said rules...
1.  Follow directions quickly.
2.  Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3.  Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
4.  Make smart choices.
5.  Keep your dear teacher happy.

At the end of the week, the senate members get to purchase items for the classroom catalog.  They can buy special treats, line jumping privileges, seat swaps, sit at the teacher's desk, lunch with the teacher, lunch with a bud and the all time favorite, STINKY FEET!  (Not this girl's favorite.)

One of the featured treats in the February catalog was a BEACH PARTY!  For a whopping $500 bucks!  Well, it took the senate about two days to count up $500 big ones and then the beach party was booked!  The following pictures are the before and after of the great shin-ding!  BLAST!

 5 minutes later...

Little Bears at the Beach pudding snack!

Such a fun day!  This teacher was!
I wonder what will pop up in the March catalog?  Nap time?