Sunday, November 13, 2016

Teaching and Learning

Can they get any cuter?

Nah.  They can't.   Strike that, I know tomorrow they will do something that will make me give thanks for the wonderful career I have.  People often say that teachers are angels for what they give children.  Really, it's these moments, where I get to see angels, just being angels.  Everyday with these children, or the years before.  I am truly blessed.

Parent Pride

Parent Teacher Conferences 2016

Hi there Nation fans.
This year for conferences I hung this sign out in our hall.  Each child had a sticky note that their parents could write what about their child's learning they were most proud of.  I read them to the class the day after...BIG hit.  My little people were so proud of themselves and happy to see and hear what their parents had to say about them.

(Not sure on where this original idea was born from, but boy was it cool!)

Shapes and Fun

The senate has been busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  This week's math centers were focused on building and creating shapes and pictures with shapes.