Firstie Fanatics! We made it a whole week with out any late starts or closings!!! Woot! Woot! With that being said, it was a looong week of COLD! Many days of indoor recess. MAKES. A. FIRSTIE. and their TEACHA.CRAY.CRAY!!!!
Good people of the great Nation of First, pull out your four-leaf clovers, rub that rabbit's foot, wish on a shooting star, cross your fingers....DO ANYTHING so that this winter decides to take a hike! Sorry....I get a little emotional when thinking of 6 more weeks of winter...stinkn' groundhog!
Mystery Reader
1. I went to Lakeview School when I was a kid.
2. I LOVE to read!
3. I am a nurse.
4. I am aunt to someone in this classroom.
5. I want to get alpacas and let them ride in the car with me!
Carson's Auntie Melanie was our Mystery Reader this week!

We also worked with even and odd numbers. Meet Odd Todd and Even Steven.
(First Grade Parade)
Even Steven likes only even numbers. He likes things to be fair. He can only hold things in his two hands that are equal amounts. Odd Todd...he's a little odd. He doesn't really care how many he has in each hand.
From the Vault of Varpness
This is a Varpness child. I will not mention names, as he would possibly squish me if he knew I put this on here. I HAD TO! (Even first grade teachers have a little spunk!) He is going to be a doctor. We will call him Dr. Minnow!Have a great week Fristie Nation! Choose to be happy and choose to dress fashionably!
President Varpness and the Fabulous Senate!
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