Saturday, December 10, 2016

Little catch up shall we?

Hello Nation fans!  We are still here!  Just have been super fantastic busy lately, as all of you!  Here are a few things that are two cute not to share.

Thanksgiving Cards for our family=cuteness!

This was a super easy way to teach my senators fractions of a set!

Patterns in different ways.

Operation Kindness

The senators are sharing a little love by tying a blankie for a senator.  They did such an amazing job!  They each took turns wrapping a hug in it to send him love!

Thanks for hangin' with us!  Stop back soon!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Teaching and Learning

Can they get any cuter?

Nah.  They can't.   Strike that, I know tomorrow they will do something that will make me give thanks for the wonderful career I have.  People often say that teachers are angels for what they give children.  Really, it's these moments, where I get to see angels, just being angels.  Everyday with these children, or the years before.  I am truly blessed.

Parent Pride

Parent Teacher Conferences 2016

Hi there Nation fans.
This year for conferences I hung this sign out in our hall.  Each child had a sticky note that their parents could write what about their child's learning they were most proud of.  I read them to the class the day after...BIG hit.  My little people were so proud of themselves and happy to see and hear what their parents had to say about them.

(Not sure on where this original idea was born from, but boy was it cool!)

Shapes and Fun

The senate has been busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  This week's math centers were focused on building and creating shapes and pictures with shapes.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Apple camera dump

Hi there all!  I wanted to push out some of the ideas I am using this week with my senate kiddos!

Let's go banana's...I mean apples!

The Firstie Nation Apple Market Place
So cute, so much fun!

 Apple/cinnamon play dough.   (spelling words, fine motor activity)
See the Johnny Appleseed hat?
 apple sensory trays

predictable chart  (see a pattern?)

Little Motor. Big fun!

Hi there Nation fans!
Not sure about you, but my little senate members are truly remarkable little people. They have me wrapped around their fingers already.  Oh. Boy!

This year I have some kiddos that are struggling with pencil grip, coloring, writing their names  and overall fine motor skills.  I thought to myself..."self, what are you going to do to help your students get stronger in these areas?"  With the awesome help of some of my favorite people, these are a few of my starting ideas.
I have these activities waiting each morning for the senate.  These also help to control a bit of the morning chaos.
 pom pinch


 Dress a pipe cleaner?  (not sure what to call this.)
cut-up straws over a pipe cleaner.

The senate loves these activities, as does the President.

Don't Forget to Be AWESOME!!!
President Varpness

Monday, September 19, 2016

Firstie Nation Unveiled

2016 Firstie Nation Unveiled!!!!
Well, believe it or not, I am still alive and kicking!!!!  The 2016-2017 year has started and we are having a blast!  You will see the new and improved 
Firstie Nation below!!

Come on inside!!!

Writing Center

Classroom Library
 Senate's Stage: courtesy of my husband and son!

Vice President's Lounge  aka: special reading spot

It's gonna be an AWESOME year!!!!
Stay tuned...

President Varpness and the Senate

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Little Bit of the Moon, Little Sci. Fri.

Citizens, this week we slipped into our space suits and fired up the rocket to go to the moon!

"Moon" reading!

Sci Fri
Moon Dough (inspired by A Day in First Grade)

The senate had sooooo much fun!  They even got to take their moon dough home.

Moon Painting

Yea, we were running late.  Had to do this with our coats and hats on.
 The strip on the bottom is the senate's moon fact they learned.
Astronaut Neapolitan Ice Cream Vs. Earth Neapolitan Ice Cream
I tried to get some down....
not for this girl.


Have an awesome week!