Monday, February 24, 2014


Our Pennies for Patients campaign is going strong this week.  We will be collecting penny (change) boxes through Friday, Feb. 28.  The teacher who raises the most money (names on boxes) will be taped to the wall!

Yours truly is a teacher raising money for children with cancer.  I am willing to be taped to a wall, but I think it would be FABULOUS for one of our BIG, STRAPPING fella teachers to be taped up instead!!!

The Student Council's goal is $1,400.  I think we can do it!!! closing.....

Vote for Me!!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!
Andy Dallmann

Julie Neisius
Sally Neubauer

Thank you for your help in this matter.
President Varpness and the Senate of the Firstie Nation!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ramblings from the President


Fabulous Friday Firstie Nation!!!!
This week has been most interesting.  Late start Monday and Friday!!!  What are the odds?  Oh yeah....we live in MINNESOTA!!!  I do love this beautiful state, contrary to popular belief, but I love it a lot more April-October.
This is just funny!!!
Grandma Varpness and Granny Magnuson strolled the halls of the capital in their 100 year old clothing.  CHEESE!
Vocabulary Parade
We had our first ever vocabulary parade at Lakeview this year.  Students chose a vocabulary word, found the word's definition and made a hat that symbolized their word.

My word?  You guessed it!!!  ANGEL!!!
Have a Fabulous weekend in the Nation!
Dress Pretty and Run Fast!!!
President Varpness and the Firstie Senate






Friday, February 14, 2014

Sugar? Anyone?

Happy Valentine's Day Firstie Followers!!!!!  Another week has flown by here at the capital!  Already sweetie heart day!!!  Room 106 was a buzz of activity today.

News at 11
  • Sweetheart Snatcher ransacked room 106!  (Sweetheart candies)
  • Mystery Reader
  • Student of the Week (brought a yummy pink filled Oreo cookie)
  • 1/2 Birthday celebration (Valentine Cookies)
  • Early Out 1:00!
  • YOU ARE WELCOME!!! (In my defense, I did send home a new toothbrush and floss!)

Mystery Reader
  • I have 4 kids, all of them go to Lakeview.
  • I have blonde hair.
  • I live on a farm.
  • I am from Wood Lake.
  • I have a son in this class.
Wait for it...
Mrs. Schlenner!  Colton's FABULOUS mama!

 (inspired apple)
Add caption

We caught him!!!!  Ask your child where their predictions led them.

Valentine's Party Game...4 Corners
I got be the first caller.  Do you dig my heart blindfold?

Thank you Firstie Nation for all the L-O-V-E you threw at me this week!  I love this life!!!!

Have a terrific weekend in the Nation!
Enjoy that Firstie baby, because in a few short months...they will be a grown-up second grader!

President Varpness and the Firstie Senate

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Have Ya Heard the One about the Ground Hog, the Reader, the Alligator...oh, and the Doctor?

Firstie Fanatics!  We made it a  whole week with out any late starts or closings!!!  Woot!  Woot!  With that being said, it was a looong week of COLD!  Many days of indoor recess. MAKES. A. FIRSTIE. and their TEACHA.CRAY.CRAY!!!! 

Good people of the great Nation of First, pull out your four-leaf clovers, rub that rabbit's foot, wish on a shooting star, cross your fingers....DO ANYTHING so that this winter decides to take a hike!  Sorry....I get a little emotional when thinking of 6 more weeks of winter...stinkn' groundhog!

Mystery Reader
1. I went to Lakeview School when I was a kid.
2. I LOVE to read!
3.  I am a nurse.
4.  I am aunt to someone in this classroom.
5.  I want to get alpacas and let them ride in the car with me!

                      Carson's Auntie Melanie was our Mystery Reader this week!

 We worked on greater than > and less than < and equal to = signs this week.

We also worked with even and odd numbers.  Meet Odd Todd and Even Steven.
(First Grade Parade)
Even Steven likes only even numbers.  He likes things to be fair.  He can only hold things in his two hands that are equal amounts.  Odd Todd...he's a little odd.  He doesn't really care how many he has in each hand.
From the Vault of Varpness
This is a Varpness child.  I will not mention names, as he would possibly squish me if he knew I put this on here.  I HAD TO!  (Even first grade teachers have a little spunk!)  He is going to be a doctor.  We will call him Dr. Minnow!

Have a great week Fristie Nation!  Choose to be happy and choose to dress fashionably!

President Varpness and the Fabulous Senate!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sci. Fri (That really is a Tuesday, because our teacher runs out of time on Fridays!)

Hey Firstie Fans!  Sci. Fri. came a little early this week, or late from last week!  Depends how you look at it?  I'm a glass full kind of I'm gonna just be happy that we got it in! 

PENGUINS!!!!!!  We have been learning a lot about penguins.  We learned a funny word....BLUBBER!!!!  Ha! 

Ask a question:  Will my hands be cold in the blubber?
Make a hypothesis: I think my hand will be... (cold) (warm)
Conduct and Experiment: Stick one hand in the blubber bag.  Stick the other hand in the ice.  Can you tell a difference?
Results:  My hand was... (warm)
Conclusion:  Blubber keeps penguins....(warm)

Mystery Reader
Mrs. Herrick, Makenzie's beautiful mama!!!!

**Very lucky to have a job in Cottonwood so I can buzz out to school very easily to read to the Firstie Nation

**I have 3 wonderful children-one is a very cute little blonde Firstie

**I am married to a very silly man who will run around the house scaring his family ALL THE TIME!

**I live in a house where the basement is decorated entirely with a Green Bay Packer theme

**I can’t wait until summer so I can go camping

Have a terrific week in the nation~!!!!!~
President of all things First!!!
and the Fabulous!