Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Read Across America Day with a twist...

Read Across America Day
Firstie Nation Cafe style.
(book tasting)
-Teaching With a Mountain View
-Head over Heels for Teaching

Celebrity Guest Chef Mrs. Lee talks to the senate about "tasting" other good books.
AWESOME time, cannot wait til 2018!


Our explorations into the time of Dinosaurs.
Morning playtime.

Where did that come from?

Dino Dig

Dino Build

 Dino "Egg"speriment

Valentines 2017

Our Valentines to our sweet parents.
This little munchkin is the sweetest Valentine I could ever pick out.
Senator Varpness
Candy Heart Experiment

Firstie Nation Case File 99-100

Well, I always have good intentions of staying on top of my political commercials but alas, here we are yet again.  Playing catch up.  I apologize for being off the grid, but we have been some awesomely busy that I just didn't post in reasonable time.  So, get ready for it!

100th Day Spy Headquarters
-The ladies at Kinderbrations have a gem on their hands!!!!  Way to go!!!
 (absolutely the coolest thing we did this year!!!!!)  The senate LOVED it!!!!


Stations were set up for the Secret Agents to help save Zero the Hero from the Devious Agent 99!!!

Loads of fun!
Totally doing this next year!